Scented candles use tips

Although scented candles seem convenient to use, in fact, you still need to master certain skills to extend the service life at the same time, the fragrance remains unchanged.

1. Choose scented candles made of natural materials

Common candle base materials on the market are soybean wax, beeswax and other natural plant wax, as well as unnatural paraffin wax. When choosing scented candles, remember that scented candles based on natural plant wax are the first choice.

2. The first combustion should last for more than two hours or form a wax pool

The first use of scented candles, remember to burn for more than two hours, or see the wax pool, can be extinguished. This is to allow the surface wax to completely melt, to avoid the candle melting area is limited to the wick appears “memory circle”. If the candle is extinguished too early to form a “memory circle”, it will lead to the heat limitation of the candle and the surface is uneven, which will not only affect the beauty but also affect the life of the candle.

3. How to erase memory loops?

You can use tinfoil around the mouth of the cup to gather heat, so that the wax on the wall of the cup can also be heated and melted.

4. Don’t blow out candles with your mouth

Many people would like to blow out candles with their mouths. This will not only appear black smoke, so that the candle has a burnt smell, but also let the wax spray, and you may be injured if you are not careful. It is recommended to use professional tools to put out the candle cover on the flame for about 20 seconds.

5. Trim the candle wick regularly

We can regularly trim the candle wick to a length of about 5mm before or after use to maintain the state of burning in order to control the burning quality of each time.

6. Remember to close the lid after use

After the aroma candle is used and completely cooled, it is recommended to cover it, not only to prevent dust accumulation, but also to better retain the fragrance of the candle. In addition, scented candles are sensitive to light and temperature, and exposure to sunlight will make the candle discolor and melt. Therefore, remember to store in a cool place, the temperature does not exceed 27 degrees, in order to extend the service life of scented candles.

7. Use within half a year after lighting

The aroma source of scented candles is mainly aromatherapy essential oils, so there will be an optimal use period. The candles that have been burned are best used within six months to nine months to avoid complete volatilization of essential oils and the loss of aroma of scented candles.

8. Consider getting a melting candle light

The principle of the melting candle lamp is to gather the light source to the candle, so that the surface of the candle is heated evenly, melting into the candle oil, and the essential oil is thus volatilized in the air.

Post time: Jul-10-2023