Features of 10 candle colors

Do you have a candle habit during meditation?
It turns out that each candle color has its own unique purpose. Let’s take a look. Choose a candle that suits your current needs to enhance the effect of your meditation practice.
White candle:
- Purity and strength
- Has the effect of amplifying the burning of other candles.
- When a white candle is smoking, it means that negative energy is being cleared away from that location.

Black candle:
- The most protective
- When meditating, it can help us find light and direction in the confusion and darkness.
- Grounded and awakened to a sense of responsibility.
- But burning too many black candles gives off depressive energy.

Red candle:
- A symbol of love and health and the realization of ambition.
- Can enhance passion and sexual ability.

Pink candle:
- A symbol of love and success
Wake up the idea of a simple and beautiful life.
When meditating, our purpose is stimulated to become more pure, so that the forces we attract become focused.

Orange candle:
- When meditating, it can stimulate spiritual growth.
- Can also help attract the people, animals and others you want in your life
Other things.

Golden candle:
- Helps you easily understand and interpret your dreams.

Green candle:
- Helps balance body and mind when meditating.
- Also to help and raise our awareness of the other presence of nature.
- Can help inspire more youthful innocence and vitality.

Blue candle:
- When meditating, we can awaken our innate perceptual abilities (including intuition).
- Awaken us to a greater trust in the meaning of life itself.

Brown candle:
- Can help improve insight and certainty when used in meditation.

Purple candle:
- Can help awaken a desire for success and self-actualization.

Post time: May-29-2024